Since July 2013 the average price of Tranylcypromine Tabs 10mg 28 has risen from £101.69 to £364.52 in July 2022. The English Drug Tariff has also risen from £92.00 in July 2012 and is now £487.08 which means that pharmacies can make a profit of £122.56 on each pack they buy. Additionally there were just 6 wholesale suppliers at the start, but this has doubled over 10 years. Each line on the graph represents the average market price of a supplier. This is one of the few products where potential profitability for manufacturers has risen. Most products tend to suffer price decay, so that prices eventually fall to levels at which manufacturers can no longer make a profit. The cancellation of manufacturing orders then tends to lead to price peaks and boom and bust cycles.
This information came from Wavedata’s 10 year market price data the BPPI at and other examples like this can be seen on