Frequently Asked Questions

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Commonly Asked Questions

Yes, you can watch a video demonstration on our Services | Pharma Pricing Data page, or book a live demo with one of our team via the Contact page.

Yes. Please see the Knowledge Base link at the top of the screen and search for ‘Generics Bulletin S/R’.
Yes. We have been collecting pricing data from pharmacies and dispensing doctors since the year 2000, so now have lots of information to populate your report (s). Please contact us with details so we can quote for this.
Each credit represents one line of data, including a single price for a product being sold to a chemist or dispensing doctor, with the date, the name of the company selling it and some description of the offer or invoice. Credits only apply to WaveData Live and none of our other services use credits.

We collect pricing information for all these sorts of products, started doing this in 2000 and publish reports online which are refreshed every 15 minutes. Please contact us so that we can discuss this further.

We started recording UK drug tariff and other reimbursement information in 2000, and so should have what you need. Please contact us so that we can confirm this.

No, subscription costs are per company rather than per user. This allows you to add additional company users without paying a bill for each individual.

Yes, we regularly produce reports for clients showing product pricing over time. We started collecting data in 2000, so can go a long way back in time if that is needed.
Our data shows the net prices paid for, or offered to, pharmacies and dispensing doctors.

General Information

No, Wavedata does not provide secondary care pricing. However, there is a database of hospital prices published by The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) at

Though we can supply information about product pricing and prescription information before and after patent expiry and loss of exclusivity, we are not patent experts. Please contact us and we will point you in the correct direction.
The vast majority of our customers are wholesalers and manufacturers, and therefore our subscription charges are more than pharmacies would pay. However please contact us as we always need more data suppliers.
Please let us know about your data needs using the form on this website. Then we can suggest which product will work for you and explain the pricing.
All of our subscription plans are described on this website. However, the key questions are – is it pricing or prescription data you need, and do you need current or historical data?
Please let us know more about your data needs using the form on this website. Then we can suggest which product will work for you and explain the pricing.
These will all be in the knowledge bank at
We always need more data about the prices of medical products. Please contact us so that we can discuss this further and start the supplier due diligence process.

Whilst we cannot tell who uses our service, you will see the names of wholesalers, manufacturers and license holders in the data.

Please contact us as we may be.

Our monthly bulletin is also published on the Knowledge bank at

Please let us have your contact details via the form on this website.
Normally our data suppliers do not tell us where parallel imports are being sourced. However sometimes unusual pack sizes, strengths or brand names can give clues.
Our panel is widely spread across the UK to try and avoid data gaps. Please contact us using the form on this website. Then we can explain the current panel structure.
We are a data company and don’t buy or sell any pharmaceuticals.

Yes, our services are web based and accessible from anywhere.  Do let us know if you’d like to discuss which of our services is right for your business needs.

Our Services

Please contact us with your name, email address, company name and details of the product. We will then do a search to see if there is any data, and if so roughly how much.
Yes, our Scriptmap service includes UK prescribing by GP practice for thousands of practices. Please contact us so we can discuss this further.
Our Pharma TouchStone service at holds up to 6 months of rolling historical information and the BPPI at holds 10 years. Clients can subscribe to either service or can ask us to produce historical reports for them.
Please let us know which service you would like to register for, or a little more about whether current pricing is sufficient, or if you need historical information using the form on this website. Then we can suggest which product will work for you and explain the pricing.
Our Pharma TouchStone service holds up to 6 months of rolling historical information and the BPPI at holds 10 years. Clients can either subscribe to either service or can ask us to produce historical reports for them and deliver them in Excel format.
The retail prices which we collect and publish on our websites do not include VAT.
Our data shows the net prices paid for medical products by pharmacies and dispensing doctors. The prices you may get from other organisations are likely to be reimbursement prices, or a calculated trade or net ingredient price. We often have many prices for each product whereas other organisations only have one or two.
The pricing information we collect is for a mixture of pharmacy and dispensing doctor account sizes and buying powers, and so the prices organisations may charge you will probably be different.
Yes. Please see the Knowledge Base link at the top of the screen and search for ‘Generics Bulletin S/R’.
Yes. We have been collecting pricing data from pharmacies and dispensing doctors since the year 2000, so now have lots of information to populate your report (s). Please contact us with details so we can quote for this.
Each credit represents one line of data, including a single price for a product being sold to a chemist or dispensing doctor, with the date, the name of the company selling it and some description of the offer or invoice. Credits only apply to WaveData Live and none of our other services use credits.

We collect pricing information for all these sorts of products, started doing this in 2000 and publish reports online which are refreshed every 15 minutes. Please contact us so that we can discuss this further.

We started recording UK drug tariff and other reimbursement information in 2000, and so should have what you need. Please contact us so that we can confirm this.

No, subscription costs are per company rather than per user. This allows you to add additional company users without paying a bill for each individual.

Yes, we regularly produce reports for clients showing product pricing over time. We started collecting data in 2000, so can go a long way back in time if that is needed.
Our data shows the net prices paid for, or offered to, pharmacies and dispensing doctors.

Billing & Subscriptions

Please contact us with your name, email address, company name and invoicing address. We can then set up your subscription to WaveData Live and send you logins.
Please contact us with your name and email address. We will also need your company name and invoicing address.
Please contact us with your name, company and email address so that we can check our records and let you have a list of current subscribers.
Please contact us with your name, company and email address so that we can check our records and let you know the subscription status. If your subscription is live, we will email you a login.
Please contact us with your name, company and email address so that we can check our records and let you know the subscription status and renewal date.
Please contact us using the form on this website and we will supply subscription cost information by return.
Please let us have your contact details via the form on this website so that we can send you a login.
We regularly run historical pricing reports for clients and deliver them in Excel format. Please contact us with a description of what you need so that we can quote. Every report is different of course.

We have both prescriptions by GP practice and the prices pharmacies and dispensing doctors pay for these products. We will, therefore, need to know which service you would like to register for, so please contact us with your name, email address and company name so we can clarify which service you need.

Please contact us with your name, email address, company name and invoicing address. We will also need to know how many credits you would like to purchase, if you are unsure check out ‘How Credits Work‘.

Please contact us with your name, email address, company name and invoicing address.  If you know which service you would like access to please let us know, if you are unsure which service best suits your business needs we can book a demonstration and consultation with one of our team.

Technical Help

We can transfer credits between companies, but require proof that both companies are in agreement.

Please try a password reset on

The button is just below the login box on the website.

If that fails for any reason, please let us know using our contact form. 

Please contact us and we will find a solution

Please try a password reset on

The button is just below the login box on the website.

If that fails for any reason, please let us know using our contact form.

There are already some reports which allow long lists of products to be downloaded in one report. We also provide feeds to some clients so that data can be directly incorporated into their systems. Please contact us to discuss this further.

Yes, some clients receive feeds which allow tailored datasets to be incorporated into their databases. Please contact us so we can discuss this further.
