Duloxetine Caps 60mg 28 Price Trends

Oct 23, 2020 | Generics

Duloxetine Caps 60mg 28 was launched in April 2015 after Cymbalta Caps 60mg 28 lost its patent exclusivity. The price then declined rapidly from £24.90 to £2.43 in just over a year, with the drug tariff following the market prices down. After this the price ‘bounced’, reaching a peak 30 months after patent expiry.

From previous studies WaveData have carried out, we have noticed that the number of licence holders for any generic product affects the price more than any other factor. Price bounces as seen in October 2017 can be due to the price falling below the cost of goods of some licence holders, causing them to exit the market.  This can cause the price to rise until more license holders and manufacturers re-enter the market, at which point market competition forces the price back down again. These bounces can occur more than once after patent expiry, but only in about 20% of cases. So the lack of a bounce 30 months after the first in April 2020 suggests this product fits into the remaining 80%.

It will be interesting to watch whether this product, in case bounces do recommence, but at a differing frequency.

The long-term history came from BPPI and WaveData Live which can be accessed from www.wavedata.co.uk

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